SF 2016 | Stela Furtado
Stela Furtado AKA D. Love, was born in the bay area and graduated from California College of Arts. They have been teaching art and showing work in galleries for 20 years. They come from a long line of healing Portuguese women and they are the feistiest of their line. They are a sadist into kink for twenty years and of service to the community for ten. They Identify as a service top Daddy with a wide range of BDSM experience and education, they continue to study to build their skill set to share with others in their community. Stela lives a happy, openly queer, gender-fluid, poly, kink, life with their primary partner who is Trans (FTM.) Stela is the Drag King Daddy of Fella-Fem, an artist, gender outlaw, activist and event producer for Queer Sphere.

Ms SF 2014/2015 |
Little Bad
Little Bad Daddy has been part of Folsom Street Events Venus’ Playground since it began in 2005. She has been on the team for silent auction of the International Ms Leather Contest since it came to the bay area in 2007. She has taught educational classes for Foundations here in San Francisco, the Exiles, the SF Citadel, AEL in New Mexico, teaches regularly for New Mexico Leather League events in Albuquerque, and has been a volunteer for the Leather Realm in San Diego Pride as well as Leather Alley in San Francisco Pride on behalf of the SF Citadel. Little Bad Daddy is among other things a BootBlack, Leather Dyke Daddy in a longstanding triad with a Mommy and a boi. She has recently been honored with receiving her Cover and is so excited to do some more amazing work for the community at large.
SF 2013 | Val Langmuir
Brought up in the UK, Val was active in the London SM Dykes and Countdown on Spanner. After moving to San Francisco, Val joined The Exiles, and became a club officer in 2004. Val has presented or co-presented workshops including role-play, play piercing, BDSM 101 for The Exiles and at BUTCH Voices, and most recently British Discipline. Val also enjoys emceeing events, and any excuse to show off their English accent. Val’s other interests include geocaching, photography, travel, and serving on the board of their synagogue. Married to Marilyn, Val is a polyamorous genderqueer switch who loves boots and canes.

Ms SF 2012 |
Nerine Mechanique
Nerine is a sadomasochistic, multiamorous switch- a sex machine, bootblack, kinky chef, and professional pervert. She’s been actively involved in public BDSM and leather events since 2003, trolloping from Texas to Philadelphia to San Francisco, where her leather identity has blossomed. Her many passions include rope, heavy impact play, blood, latex, leather, stunt bottoming, knives, boots, heels, etiquette & protocol, and fucking — *AHEM* socializing with other humans, in varied states of duress, undress, and impress. She reportedly does all her own stunts.
Ms SF 2011 |
Miss Bethie Bee
Miss Bethie Bee is a power fluid queer Femme kinky Leatherwoman. She began her journey in kink in 2005 and moved to the Bay Area in 2006 to be more fully involved in the Leather and kink communities. While in the Bay Area she taught classes on a variety of subjects, hosted events and served organizations including the Society of Janus, Leather Traditions and the SF Citadel. In 2009 she was nominated for the SF Bay Area Leather Alliance’s Woman of the Year award in recognition of her contributions to the Leather community. She holds the titles of Ms. SF Citadel 2011, and Ms. SF Leather 2011. In 2012 Miss Bee made the decision to move to the ungodly hot deserts of Arizona, become a recluse and devote her time to rescuing and rehabilitating dogs. She currently lurks on the outskirts on the Arizona leather community, bringing a little radical SF liberalist flair to the Wild West.

Ms SF 2010 | Leo Peralta
Leo identifies as a butch Leatherwoman. She is married to her sweetheart Levi who is truly the center of her universe. She has been a part of the Leather community for over 15 years and currently resides in Marin County and is a practicing Buddhist. Additionally, she has been co-owner of, was a founding member of the Big Pink House (a social and educational space in San Francisco), a committee member for Folsom Street Events Venus’ Playground, has worked in a variety of ways for the International Ms Leather contest, and is the Web and Visual Designer for the Ms San Francisco Leather Contest.
Ms SF 2009 | Tracy
Bio Coming Soon

Ms SF 2009 | Molena Williams
(IMsL 2010)
Bio Coming Soon
Ms SF 1999 | Pam Meyer
(IMsL 1999)

Ms Golden Gate 1998 |
Erin Kelley
Ms Golden Gate 1996 – 1997
Beth Downey
Bio Coming Soon

Ms SF 1995 | BJ Ruthstrom
Ms SF 1994 | Diana Hardick
Bio Coming Soon

Ms SF 1993 | Queen Cougar
Bio Coming Soon
Ms SF 1992 | Lupe

Ms SF 1992 |
(IMsL 1992)
Ms SF 1991 | J.C. Collins

Ms SF 1990 | Corky Davis
Ms SF 1989 | Nina Durst

Ms SF 1988 | Scooter

Ms SF 1987 | Shadow Morton